Saturday, June 03, 2006

Bite Marks

I went to the emeregency room yesterday, and after a cat scan I was sent home with some drugs and told to stay out of hte light and away from noise for 24 hours. I was told I had had a "neurological event".

Well I found the cause this morning, don't know if the quacks in this town can handle it or not, but I have a bite mark, looks pretty much like the mark of a brown recluse. If so this is my third time being bit, which can't possibly be good for me.

I was in the rose bushes, trying to get to the water valve so I could water my garden, don't ask I'll take pics and you'll understand why. Anyway I felt something bite my legs, twice actually and I do have two bite marks. I shrugged it of as skeeters and watered the gardens.

I was in the emergency room a half hour later. Anyway...


LoieJ said...

maybe you should see if you can catch one of those spiders or bugs for evidence.

Shirley Goodwin said...

A "neurological event"??? Surely the doctors could see the bites? Here in New Zealand we have NO native poisonous critters except for a very rare spider that most people have never seen, and the occasional pesky Australian immigrant spider.

Take care, Kimberly. You don't need this!

Shirley in New Zealand

Sue Seibert said...

Sounds to me like you need a second/third opinion. I have known several people who have been bitten by brown recluses. Take care of yourself...and see someone else!!