I managed to work one hour tonight in my studio, for which I am sure pay dearly for later, creating some cloth. I was gong to submit this piece, after it cures and I had quilted it, to Quilt National, that was before I made a huge mess on the silk and hid it with the swallows. So now I will have to create another piece of cloth to be made into a quilt of some sort.
This piece, which was compost dyed first, is actually hanging horizontally, I flipped the image to vertical so you could see it better, hence the reason it looks odd. I screen printed the image of the swallows onto the fabric. Actually it looks a lot like a day hubby and I spent out at the prairie - hoping to photograph bison - but all we saw were swallows dive bombing dragon flies in the tall prairie grasses instead.
I dunno, I didn't think it looked od at all. In fact, it looks odd to me turned horizontally. I rather like the vertical orientation...
What I meant to say is the fabric supposed to viewed vertically, it looks odd because I took the picture while the fabric was hanging horizontally - I then flipped the image in photo shop.
I had to hang the fabric horizontally, while it was drying, to keep the fabric from dragging on the floor.
Clear as mud? It's been one of those weeks.
Btw I really love the links on your blog, of Newfoundland. My mom is from Cape St. George.
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