It was supposed to be a part of a book but it kind of grew beyond that and has now become a sculptural piece. You can see the multiple pages for the book in the third picture down. The book was based on the one in the latest issue of Cloth Paper Scissors (Summer 2007), well it's my varioation on the theme that is, and as you can see I moved beyond the book. The book in the magazine is really nice btw, I just ended up doing my own thing as usual.
Anyway, I found this clock body this afternoon and just had to put the piece inside of it, first I have to paint the interior, I'm planning on rubbing metallic waxes over the surface to spark it up a bit. It reminds me of a copper moseleum (sp?) that resides close to my husbands first wife's grave.
I love cemetaries they are incredibly peaceful, and there's no end to the designs that exist on the stones, the oldest stones that have been in the weather for decades hold the greatest fascination for me. More later I have a class to prep for on Saturady, I'm teaching an altered book class and it is going to be a lot of fun.
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