I'll have to post pics of the fabric later, but I've basically been sitting on some fabric for five years now. It's a huge piece of silk dupioni(sp?) that I compost dyed. I've wanted to do something with this fabric ever since it came out of my washing machine, but to date have only hung it as yardage.
Well tonight I got my groove back, it's been a long two years peppered with too many dead relatives. Anyway, John and I were out looking at some fresh cut downs, cottonwood, locust, birch, and ash. He brought home some logs of each variety. I went gah gah over the birch, or I should say the bark anyway.
I hope to work on this piece this weekend, I have too much to do tonight, plus I need to get the other elements ready first. But I went to town photographing the wood, the next step is sketches and some samples of things I want to try. I should have it all worked out by Saturday, and will probably spend most of Sunday working on the pieces.
I'm excited the deadline for QSDS has been changed to the 26th, so I still have time to submit my yardages. There's a piece, further down the blog, that I plan to submit. So if your interested in the piece it is for sale and you can buy it at QSDS.
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